
Lichess coaches

CM GabrielPerezPerez Lichess coach picture

CM Gabriel Pérez Pérez

Trabaja duro, sueña en grande

LocationTenerife Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 22392751270026022375
Hourly rateConsúltame
GM JordiMagemBadals Lichess coach picture

GM Jordi Magem Badals

Do you want to improve your chess understanding? Just let me know! / ¿Quieres mejorar tu comprensión ajedrecística? Házmelo saber!

LocationBarcelona Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Français, Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 2497
Hourly rateSend me an email to
GM josmito Lichess coach picture

GM Jose Manuel Lopez Martinez

Become a great player, training with SuperLopez!

LocationBarcelona Spain
LanguagesEspañol, Català, valencià
Hourly rateFlexible price! Write me. First meeting: 2 hours at the price of 1 hour!
FM charlytb Lichess coach picture

FM Carlos Salgado Allaria

Aprende o mejora tu ajedrez de forma fácil y divertida

LocationBlanes, Platja d'Aro Spain
LanguagesEspañol, Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 2237
Hourly rate20€/hora. 60€/mes (1 hora por semana)
CM balack Lichess coach picture

CM Marc Balague

Every learning process should be fun, let's make it enjoyable!

LocationZamora Spain
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español, Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 221025982489
Hourly rateContact me for more information
WGM Morshynska1 Lichess coach picture

WGM Maryana Huda

Quality professional coaching for all levels, including for players with goals in chess.

LocationMorshyn Ukraine
Languagesукраїнська, Español, русский язык, Català, valencià, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2179
Hourly rate20 $ hr. Package - 75€ for 5 hours
IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

LocationOviedo Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 2408290527252311
Hourly rate Hourly Rate: [Group classes available] [Individual classes available, contact me for details - 4 spots left]
CM artanita Lichess coach picture

CM Artai Bringas

If you want to be one of the best, you have to live chess all the time - Magnus Carlsen

LocationGaliza Earth
LanguagesGalego, Español, Català, valencià, English (US), Français
RatingFIDE: 2233
Hourly rate20€/h from two hours a week. 25€/h one hour a week Contact:
IM Fermin-Ajedrez Lichess coach picture

IM Fermin Gonzalez

APRENDER Ajedrez es fácil,,, si sabes cómo hacerlo! Te ayudo !

LocationBurgos Spain
LanguagesEspañol, Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 234625672516
Hourly rate25 euros