Played 6 runs of Puzzle Racer
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Member since 3 Dec 2021
Time spent playing: 8 days, 13 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 hour, 31 minutes
TeamsChessMaster1 tournamentsШахматные Пушки.BFischer94 Fan ClubBULLET CHAMPIONS PROSChessMoodCrestbook Chess ClubElite HyperbulletFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusFM Avaada_kedavraFortun£ Friday$FROM ZERO TO HEROFUSD ChessGM Mircica & FriendsGM penguingim1 fan clubGMSPIDERIBARRAGuardians of the Galaxy !IM Eric Rosen Fan ClubIM Matvey GalchenkoGM penguingim1 fan clubLichess AntichessLichess AtomicLichess Chess960Lichess CrazyhouseLichess CuratorLichess HordeLichess King of the HillLichess Racing KingsLichess SwissLichess Three-checkLocosPorElAjedrez-InternacionalPeshkaCh Fun clubQazvin ten chessRauf Mamedov teamThe House Discord ServerUnity International TournamentsZhigalko_Sergei & Friends
Played 6 Crazyhouse games1432527
Played 6 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 2 Rapid games91914
Played 9 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 2 Atomic games86516
Played 2 Rapid games90526
Played 2 UltraBullet games106410
Played 1 King of the Hill game133734
Played 1 Crazyhouse game90537
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1525 (top 98%) with 1 game in Daily Rapid Arena
Solved 31 training puzzles150097
Played 1 Rapid game
Played 3 Atomic games88117
Played 2 Rapid games93116
Played 1 Crazyhouse game942118
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #18 (top 81%) with 3 games in Weekly Atomic Team Battle
Solved 8 training puzzles1403234
Played one run of Puzzle Storm
Played 2 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 1 UltraBullet game107418
Played 1 Racing Kings game147533
Played 5 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 1 Rapid game91535