
Lichess Chess960

16,458 members

Welcome to the official Lichess Chess960 Team!

We are the home of Chess960 fans across Lichess. Join the team for tournaments and other community-driven Chess960 events. Everyone is welcome to join!

VOTE here for the time control you would like to see more for Chess960 Tournaments


Detailed Guide to Chess960 with history, strategy and opening tips as well as further resources.

Table of all 960 starting positions (PDF)

Castling Rules

Tournaments Schedule:

TimeDayEventTime Control
HourlyEvery dayHourly Chess960Various
19:00 UTCTuesdaysWeekly Chess960 Rapid Arena10+2
19:00 UTCWednesdaysWeekly Chess960 SuperBlitz Arena3+0
11:00 UTCSaturdaysWeekly Chess960 SuperBlitz Team Battle3+0
  • The Lichess Chess960 Titled Arenas twice every 6 months.

  • The Hourly Tournaments

Links to these regular tournaments can be found below , if you scroll down a bit or here.

Additionally, if you are fan of team battles, you can find Daily Chess960 Team Battles hosted by Fischer Random Chess Center


Share and discuss your games here

Feel free to create a topic in the forum if you have questions, want to give feedback, or make suggestion for tournament ideas, events, format or any kind of thing.

Lichess Arena Ranking

• Chess960 versions for other variants, such as Crazyhouse960 and Atomic960 can be played on Pychess. Every 2nd Monday of the month, Crazyhouse960 Shield takes place here

Lichess official variant teams

Lichess Chess960Lichess King of the HillLichess Three-checkLichess AntichessLichess AtomicLichess HordeLichess Racing KingsLichess Crazyhouse


Hourly Chess960 Arena3+2 • Chess960 • Rated • 55mInner team
Hourly Chess960 Arena3+2 • Chess960 • Rated • 55mInner team
Hourly Chess960 Arena5+3 • Chess960 • Rated • 55mInner team
Hourly Chess960 Arena2+0 • Chess960 • Rated • 55mInner team
Weekly Chess960 SuperBlitz Team Battle3+0 • Chess960 • Rated • 4hBattle of 43 teams


Can we please get more tournaments with longer time period?Roman_T •

Hello, @sicilian3, @BobbyDerFischer, @earlpurple, @Guedex and everyone! This Thursday, July 11 at 14:00 UTC the first inter-club chess-960 arena with classical control 30+30 will take place. Time to t…

Can we please get more tournaments with longer time period?Guedex •

It would be really cool to have some longer Chess960 tournaments. Not some classical 60 or 90 min game, but something like 20+10 or 25+20

Can we please get more tournaments with longer time period?sicilian3 •

I have an idea, we can make a team of classical chess960 tournaments. If yes, please like to encourage me.

Can we please get more tournaments with longer time period?sicilian3 •

I guess there are some people who need classical time, I hope this team makes it possible. I wanted it to be like freestyle chess tournaments which are held for top players. Even 30+20 is o…

Can we please get more tournaments with longer time period?earlpurple •

I'm glad you added 10+2 as a possibility, I think that's a good time control - I don't like 10+0 because I hate zero increment. 2 seconds isn't a big increment but it's enough to avoid the main situat…

Can we please get more tournaments with longer time period?Triskeriaki •

I second that, slower time control are much better for improvment, and currently we only see 1+0 or 3+0. I've seen a 3+2 but that still very fast for positional play.

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