Practised 6 positions on Intermediate Rook Endings
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Marcel Ochalski
Chess InsightsAnalytics from Marcelus2509's gamesGram w szachy bo chce być arcymistrzem. Mam 1205 FIDE. Moje ulubione otwarcie to smażona wątróbka
[11 years old bronstein and reshewsky is my fawourite player]
FIDE rating: 1205
Member since 6 Jan 2022
Time spent playing: 5 days, 8 hours
Time featured on TV: 4 minutes
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Solved 32 training puzzles201510
Played 2 Bullet games15727
Solved 4 training puzzles
Played 2 Rapid games1403132
Played 1 Blitz game151511
Completed 1 correspondence game1 win