
Why politics on Lichess?

@TitaniusAnglesmith It seems like you are opposed to all this left-wing stuff.
That makes you right-wing.
If you would just see the bigger picture and what climate change is implying, I'm sure you can also change your opinion.
@crssrd I cannot think of a better prayer. Seriously. Heavy on the feels, but little facts. Exchange "climate change" in your statement with any deity and you could be like any of those religious devotees on the streets that I always ignore.
Wanting to improve the climate and the world shouldn't be political at all. It's not left against right. Even if you strongly disagree that there are ongoing problems, that's not an argument against improving the status quo. It's not an us vs. them problem at all. It's us all being better. Anything and everything can be improved and we should work together to achieve that, instead of fighting over stupid stuff.
Fun fact: this thread is ignored on the "latest discussions" preview on the front page. Backing up now? Feel like things not going in the right direction? Sorry @thibault , as much as I love what you, and others, have created here, it hurts to see these patterns over here.
@lovlas Agree. But that's simply not how this movement makes itself heard. It is about alarmism. Germany is introducing a CO2 tax (and my father always joked about how air was the only thing untaxed when I was little ...) - that doesn't change any real problem of course, but keeps more tax money coming in and people in fear are easier to control - look at how divided people are already. Total success.

A lot of people expressed their opinion that this topic should not be discussed on this site and that they are annoyed by being reminded about it.
You don't have to agree with everything and everyone. It's the overarching message that imo is the most important.

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