
When should I accept take backs and when should I decline

Hi I have been at lichens for a fair time but 1 question I haven't got answered. "should I accept or decline take backs." I dont want to go the wrong way and lose lots of games, in what cases should you accept or decline and what do you do.
My recommendation: you should disable the take-back option in the settings. There are no takebacks in chess.
TrudeBrumstiMopsMops said in #2:
> My recommendation: you should disable the take-back option in the settings. There are no takebacks in chess.
Totally agree. And for the flip side of mouse slips, set move confirmation and play a time control that allows for your time doing confirmation.
When should I accept take backs? When you want.
When should I decline: When you don't want.

That's it. Ask yourself.
It's up to you. Personally, I will accept a takeback if it's an obvious misclick. Most people don't seem to accept takebacks though. So if you want to be on a level playing field, don't accept them.
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It depends somewhat on the game, if it's friendly and interesting, I would consider letting an opponent take back a blunder. If there's a clear misclick, I'll definitely give the opponent a takeback.

While there are no takebacks in tournament chess, a) I would definitely allow a takeback in a friendly over-the-board game and b) you don't use a computer mouse in over-the-board tournaments.
I did not accept takebacks too. Once an opponent told me during the game that he was eight years old, when he blunderd, I accepted for the first time (and was winning anyway).

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