
General Chess Discussion

RepliesLast post
Strategy for white when exchange KID is stopped7
by ytroitsky
Incorrect best move choice on puzzles4
by QathetMike
endgame book?2
by swimmerBill
All Games of Chess Should Be Draws!17
by Argpar
Are we allowed to curse/swear on lichess14
by FairChess36
Looking for a chess coach with a trial lesson!7
by InvictusPrimarch
If you win + give a Rematch = fair attitude39
by LStein
by cheesechess3000
How do i change my background?2
by leopard_000
Block spectators12
by mkubecek
Is there any way...?14
by OneAttack
How to quit bullet?27
by DuffyMaksymilian
Over-the-board tournaments played on a computer0
by TheSuperfluousKnight
Where can I find more openings explained like this?1
by NaitikJerath4012
How to improve10
by TopThinkerIsBorn