
Is cheating increasing?

@Frogster64 said in #30:
> It must really suck to play chess when you believe every other player is cheating.

Nobody is saying that 100% of online chess players are cheaters. What we're actually stating is that different acts of cheating (use of engines, lagging, sandbagging, switch lagging) are constantly being increased by dishonest players.

And that is a fact, not an idea to be discussed.
@FryderykFranciszek said in #31:
> Nobody is saying that 100% of online chess players are cheaters. What we're actually stating is that different acts of cheating (use of engines, lagging, sandbagging, switch lagging) are constantly being increased by dishonest players.

So, what percentage of your games would you way involves cheating?
Someone has just said they have reported me for cheating. They played kings gambit and let my queen get in, and then later blundered their queen. I think I handled the game quite well, and he may have genuinely considered it strong play, but the truth was that he didn't play well, and that's why my moves may have seemed strong. I wonder how many times people get confused and honestly think someone is cheating when they don't realise they played bad moves.
By now, after all the recent high drama and huge publicity, there are probably 100 million 10 year-olds running state-of-the-art cheat bots all over the internet ...
@boilingFrog said in #34:
> By now, after all the recent high drama and huge publicity, there are probably 100 million 10 year-olds running state-of-the-art cheat bots all over the internet ...
Do you think chess.con are going to track them down in future and claim they were wearing obscene devices to try and destroy them?
IMHO, the whole 'bead thing' was totally blown up by the first large outlet to begin following the story, ...

All of their front page links as the drama unfolded mentioned the beads.

Then it all exploded everywhere, even

Of course Hikaru,et al. didn't help much either too ...

Today it's the lowest common denominator, except tomorow is will be even lower.
Must tell about a strange experience I had a while ago when I accused someone of cheating. (Btw, I honestly believe you when you in your post above told about someone falsely accusing you). Btw: As many of you know I have myself cheated in a few games very long ago online in another account. I am of course very sorry for that.

For about one year ago I had an account on an app called «Social chess». There I met a guy that in my opinion clearly cheated. So I told him that, and asked him Why he cheated. Then he yelled at me and told me he was not cheating. I told him that I was sure he lied. Then he posted a link to a type of wikipedia list of living grandmasters in chess, where his name showed (Jeffrey Crosby). He told me he was a Grandmaster and that I should apologize to him. As I never had heard of a GM called Jeffrey Crosby, I mailed the moderators of that Wikipedia page to check if there actually was a GM called Jeffrey Crosby. After a while I saw that the Wikipedia page was updated where Jeffrey Crosby had been removed.

This shows how far many cheaters are willing to go, in their lying statements and actions. This was a completely bizarre experience.

Here is the link that shows the removal of Jeffrey Crosby from the GM list:
Here is the link to the page as it is today:

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