
Is cheating increasing?

@boilingFrog said in #20:
> Yes
Are there any statistics to back this up? And are people getting caught now than before? Do you have an inside track on this, or are you going on your general perception from your own games?
haven't seen any as far as I know, my opponents in casual will sometimes make several moves then abandon the game, which is annoying. especially when they try a "Lefong" and it doesn't work. just play the game. reported that the Percentage of cheating players over there was detected at 0.14%. So the odds that you are playing a cheater are probably not very high.
(I had one game where the Lichess algorithm declared the other player a cheat and awarded me the game [big whoop]. But I couldn't see the reason.)
I usually play in 3+0 Blitz tournaments, so the chances that the opponent is cheating are small.
But if anybody cheated , I'd like to see them temporarily banned from playing tournaments.
@maiklb said in #25:
> I usually play in 3+0 Blitz tournaments, so the chances that the opponent is cheating are small.
> But if anybody cheated , I'd like to see them temporarily banned from playing tournaments.

replace temporary with permanent lol
@MiguelDiasVen said in #1:
> Lately I have had three opponents cheating and got back some points. A lot of tines I played the last days, I observed a pattern in players, timings... maybe I am just impressed, but it feels like cheating is increasing. I wonder if, being it true, players could be badly influenced by the last events. Does anybody else have the same impression?

Cheating is a fact, a very serious issue on chess online servers and in chess in general.

Of course, cheaters are increasing their activity, but not just here in Lichess, but in any chess server around the globe.

I'm sure people here will say that not, that it's just hysteria, that it's actually only happening in our own imagination, and blah, blah, blah, but yes, cheaters are a plague. There're hundreds of thousands out there. It's very sad, I know it, but denying a fact, we won't ever sort this very unpleasant issue out.

@maiklb said in #25:
> I usually play in 3+0 Blitz tournaments, so the chances that the opponent is cheating are small.
> But if anybody cheated , I'd like to see them temporarily banned from playing tournaments.

I've been cheated playing 1+0 and I got back my points. But I don't mind the points. They mean nothing, they're fake points on a fake rating. What I'm worried about is that cheaters are free to do whatever they want. If you close one account, ten new ones will rise up.
I sometimes crush 2150+ players and gets crushed by 1950+ players. That's usually how it goes around here...
It must really suck to play chess when you believe every other player is cheating.

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