
Is cheating increasing?

Lately I have had three opponents cheating and got back some points. A lot of tines I played the last days, I observed a pattern in players, timings... maybe I am just impressed, but it feels like cheating is increasing. I wonder if, being it true, players could be badly influenced by the last events. Does anybody else have the same impression?
People cheat at everything, chess is not the exception. This is just one of the hazards of playing online chess. IMHO, use lichess and other online chess programs as a learning tool and to just have fun. Don't perseverate over who is or is not cheating it takes the fun out of it. I know people are so into their ratings but ratings aren't every matrix to finding out how well a player is. Everyone has a bad day, everyone feels under the weather so on so forth. Just play the game, if someone is found cheating that's just human nature. The only way to stop cheating is to play in person or if they come up with an official moderator that is in the room with the player and can sign off on (witness) the players actions. Other than that I don't see a solution.
good words but you had no reason to thumb me down when all I said is "there's no more cheating now than usual, that's just hystery"
@MiguelDiasVen said in #1:
> Lately I have had three opponents cheating and got back some points. A lot of tines I played the last days, I observed a pattern in players, timings... maybe I am just impressed, but it feels like cheating is increasing. I wonder if, being it true, players could be badly influenced by the last events. Does anybody else have the same impression?
I feel the same! I was thinking that happened because many players who used to play on moved here :)
player4495 is correct!
Just have fun.
You have no control on online games. You could be playing a human, or A.I. :-)
Ratings are also relative, not absolute.
imo the headlines might attract a couple people that are more interested in cheating/hustling some friends and less interested in chess, since your a little over the median in rapid you might encounter some provisionals like that. will that be statistically noticeable? probably not.

with that explanation up front, its important to note that just because you had 3 close hits doesnt prove anything and asking on the forums achieves nothing either, as you wont get the numbers to analyze here, just more suspicions and presumptions piled up.

regarding "pattern and timing": i suggest trying to shake those feelings off and focus on the game, as if you dont play the position and get sidetracked with your thoughts and lose focus youll not reach your full potential while playing.
btw i checked your losses during last week, not a single opponent is tagged or even slightly suspicious when looking over their profile.

what will happen if people become increasingly paranoid and report more and more of their losses is that the work load for the people supporting lichess with their honorary cheat detection work becomes bigger and bigger and thus potentially delayed, so ill think twice about reporting games during this time (even tho im not really high enough rated to have a target on my back in the first place). so far i sent 2-3 game links for inspection, the last one is a couple of months back. after analyzing seemingly suspicious games in the past it turned out that i either walked into prep during the first 10 moves or just flat out played terrible.
February 2022 chesscom caught a whopping 60 000 cheaters, this month about 25 000 cheaters. I dunno if it's going down or up but cheating in online games be it shoot'em'ups or chess is rampant, or so it seems to me. Now is this similar to lichess I dunno, cause lichess don't post cheating stats, but I doubt it's lower. Fucking cheaters everywhere.

"59,656 accounts closed for fair play (including 21 titled players)"

"25,449 Fair Play closures (including six titled players)"
@kaotic99 said in #9:
> February 2022 chesscom caught a whopping 60 000 cheaters, this month about 25 000 cheaters. I dunno if it's going down or up but cheating in online games be it shoot'em'ups or chess is rampant, or so it seems to me. Now is this similar to lichess I dunno, cause lichess don't post cheating stats, but I doubt it's lower. Fucking cheaters everywhere.
> "59,656 accounts closed for fair play (including 21 titled players)"
> "25,449 Fair Play closures (including six titled players)"
OMG!!! I am soo tired of fucking cheaters!

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