
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

@mcoombes314 #829 or the knight itself being a drone. Alternatively, would it be feasible to have each piece being a drone?

Meanwhile 3 more backers in an hour :(
Magnets, how do they even work? Instead of making the board move the pieces, put wheels on the pieces and turn them into little electric autonomous cars.

Or better yet, a chess set and board made out of T-1000 metal and it shape shifts the pieces, checkmate is replaced with terminated.


Even better would be an automatic board and set of pieces where every knight is in itself a minidrone. If your remote opponent moves the knight, little propellers would emerge from the knight's head, transporting the piece through the air to its new position.

I'm sure Angel D can produce a prototype video to show how this is perfectly possible.
@nacho4191 they seemed really skeptical about it being real and yet they still advertised it. money talks I guess.
Let's imagine a board where the pieces would be simply images like on a tv screen, that woul solve a lot of problems. We could call that a tablet !
The idea that a mini drone could move all pieces is not bad. And it could work with every chess set, using image recognition. Simply it should be powerful enough to transport the pieces. In between moves, it could rest on a charger
My bullshit alarm went off in the first 5 seconds when they felt the need to mention that the person in the video was a member of MENSA. When plenty of bigger companies ended up with subpar results what makes anyone think some nobody can suddenly produce a thinner, far more responsive product when he has no credentials to speak of? I absolutely want the experience they're describing but I had no delusions that it was even remotely possible to get these results when the next-best thing was so far away from it.
@Sandbucket this "bullshit alarm" sounds like a nice invention. You should start a Kickstarter campaign for it.... but yes, MENSA has nothing to do with this, and it is indeed at best a pointless flex and at worst a diversionary tactic as part of a scam. I'm pretty sure it's the latter here.

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