Played 15 Blitz games19729
No note yet
Member since 6 Aug 2021
Time spent playing: 96 days, 5 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 day, 6 hours
TeamsAjedrez GuerreroAjedrez La Pampabobby fisher fan's clubColegas de KikeFischer Random Chess CenterGMSPIDERIBARRAIM YOSEPH AND FRIENDSKİNG_CLUBLichess AntichessLichess AtomicLichess Chess960Lichess en EspañolLOS SALIERIS DE BOBBYPUTIN, STOP YOUR WAR! Resourchess TeamSvijet šahaTetris IIThe House Discord ServerZhigalko_Sergei & Friends
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #207 (top 23%) with 15 games in Lichess Bundesliga Team Battle
Played one run of Puzzle Streak
Played 13 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 4 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 14 Chess960 games181726
Played 9 Blitz games19635
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #41 (top 16%) with 12 games in Weekly Chess960 Arena
Ranked #434 (top 51%) with 9 games in Lichess Bundesliga Team Battle
Played 44 Chess960 games179150
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #5 (top 4%) with 10 games in Daily Chess960 Arena
Ranked #74 (top 69%) with 1 game in Fischer Random Chess Liga 164 Team Battle
Played 3 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 14 Chess960 games17413
Played one run of Puzzle Storm
Played 3 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 22 Blitz games19681
Played 22 Chess960 games173818
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #36 (top 27%) with 10 games in Daily Chess960 Arena
Ranked #168 (top 43%) with 22 games in Lichess Bundesliga2 Team Battle