
Black Lives Matter

@nowyfolder isn't it sad that rather than wanting to support a chess site for their chess product, you only want to support them for holding the exact political views you do.

>> Why can the criteria not just be an emotional one?

Fair point, it could be. I would still like to receive an official clarification from Lichess on this matter.

But if the choice is indeed emotionally based, then what are we to understand? That that the other human rights issues don't trigger the same emotion as the George Floyd case?!?
Baited @Vacuous ? Don't you mean supporting a problem that has been around forever that should have be stopped ASAP?

@aryabrah Part of the same comic was this line: If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or banned from an internet community, you're free speech rights aren't being violated.

Emphasize "banned from an internet community".
Guess who has the power to do that? Thibault and the mods. You have the privilege of being on this site, and that privilege can be revoked very easily.
Despite your use of that trite xkcd comic, you are correct, @thibault, insofar as that Lichess does not have any obligation to provide a platform for free speech; but you absolutely neglect to address my point. I *opt* to utilize software and services which *do* maintain my rights rather than curtailing them--these are predominantly FOSS projects--and Lichess has decided in favor of curtailment of its users' rights in this matter. That's a compromise to the values which drove me to use Lichess in the first place. Yes, you have every right to make Lichess your own little fiefdom, and gatekeep to your heart's content, but I would not choose to be a serf.

I hope you will consider for the future alternative methods of cleaning up the forums here. There are better methods which do not curtail free speech in the way these rather arbitrary admin bannings do not, but instead maintain it and balance it with the conjoined right to not have to listen to racist garbage.
@Klappaschlang There is definitely a green one yes! Its called money (greed) :)
I think everyone has just lost the thread here. Not going to agree or disagree that Lichess should probably have just stayed out of this, again you do not have to say anything in order to support something. Just like how a police officer doing his job (being paid to keep the peace and if he does not he will lose his job and not be able to support his family etc) does not mean he does not support or agree with the protesters... He just cant lose his job no? If you as a protester believe that he must now give up his job and lively hood to show solidarity, then who is the real monster here (and no we are not talking about killing innocent people here). The point is that the issue here is bigger than any of us can even try and comprehend. However, doing something is better than nothing i suppose. But yes when it comes to politics I think organizations should be very careful in general.
It's hilarious to be accused of censorship, when 90% of the posts visible here go against what Lichess stand for, proving that censorship is in fact not happening.

But hey, now you know: Lichess stands against racism and police brutality. If you take issue with that, and I know a lot of people do, then you are most welcome to leave. There are other chess servers.

Note that agrees with Lichess and supports BLM:

But the option remains available to you, for now.
Stop telling me what I want to do. You can't read my mind.
I wanted to support a chess site for their chess product. Now it's no longer just a chess site if it's involved in politics.

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