
whats with the kiddies here

just played a game
opened with ruy lopez and the guy resigns after only making two moves

if you play black you gotta expect you will get your share of ruys
why not learn a defense to them and get some practice

the worst so far was when a guy played the french
and resigned before making his second move
when i played p-qn3 on my second move

although one guy resigned after i opened p-k4
guess he wanted a qp type game

too many players seem to want certain openings and will abort or resign if they dont like the one you play
its really annoying to have to translate old notation into algebraic notation, it would be easier for everyone involved if you stick with algebraic notation. its quicker, plain and simple.
Jan-Hein Donner once concocted a story lampooning this weird notation. According to him it is a way to encrypt games that no one ever can read them and prepare. :D

„The Queen moves to the Knight‘s fifth square announcing check.“

Ah... Descriptive notation... My first language The romance went out of chess when it was abandoned. Algebraic notation...Sterile & cold...with out love. Does anyone remember what year the USCF switched from descriptive to algebraic notation ? :]
who would resign to the ruy lopez anyway. it's been proven that 1. e4 loses by force so your opponent was already winning tbh
#5 Would you tell Fischer that e4 {p-k4} is a losing move? Really anyone ...please explain to me why e4 is bad in any way ...I think your statement is dubious :[
@oldegeezer #1 I don't get how would someone resign after your move e4, if they can't resign, only abort.
Also #5 if you say because alpha zero won stockfish, it should be just the ruy loppez, alpha zero also opened with e4 and won stockfish some games, I prefer dont getting into alpha zero polemic and maybe the unfair matches they had giving advantage to alpha zero, thanks.

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