
What is your Chess Resolution for 2023

@Thinkus said in #19:
> Says the guy with a rating of 2300...Sigh...

Where I come from that's called a humble brag.. Man knows he don't suck, just looking for the attention.
@userfriendly2 said in #21:
> Where I come from that's called a humble brag.. Man knows he don't suck, just looking for the attention.

If I may, are you insinuating that I think my rating is somewhat decent?
In my opinion, it's not anywhere near decent as I don't play good chess very often unlike people rated 2600+ on this platform.
Judging by your reaction, I suppose you have different standards somehow in the world of chess.
At least form my point of view, I've got a long way to go as you might be thinking I'm quite accomplished.
But as I stated earlier, I don't take chess seriously (in terms of my lack of willingness to study the game of chess properly) as it's not on my list of priorities.
I thought I made it pretty clear earlier buddy. Perhaps I wasn't explicit enough
#22 I love your self deprecating humour man. Keep it up :)
I don't have one. This is bitter, but I know that I have no time left for championship chess. As a teenager, when I was the first player in the province, I had to leave chess for university and academic studies. I am fascinated by chess, but the truth must be accepted, after the age of 30, there is no time for international progress in chess.
#25 Don’t be so pessimistic. There’s always time as long as you are alive
Relax. I've seen a few good players who say they're pretty bad at chess. The famous chess YouTuber Gothamchess is one good example. He's an IM and has said that he's trash. These kinds of people see it in a way others don't and they actually know what they're talking about. Come to think of it, 2200s are nothing compared to top level chess players whom they look up to, so it's just natural for them to think they're bad
@michuk said in #2:
> Buy a chess book and actually read it.

Good luck with your ambitious goals! I hope to get my friends' content listed in and/or for me to revamp the video-content system to align better with streamers, studies, etc.
Maybe I'll go through another phase when I study hard for a month or two. Maybe I won't.
I plan to play more 5+3 and longer time controls. If it means only playing in the lobby so be it.

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