
What is your Chess Resolution for 2023

Well, personally I have no chess-related resolutions as it's not exactly on my list of priorities.
I don't take chess seriously as I apparently suck at it, but it sure is a nice little hobby.

I hope you all achieve the goals you've set within the year eventually.
To appreciate and enjoy the game more and more. To respect my opponent and appreciate their efforts. To play more thoughtfully and objectively.
reach 1000+ Bullet games (plus a ton of blitz), and have 2000+ overall games.
Perhaps it's going a bit far to call this a resolution. However, it would be pleasing to realise when a position is so good that it just needs a finishing blow. This is in contrast to the all too common act of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory via a shallow tactical oversight.
@pointlesswindows said in #10:
> Improve to the Forum International Grandmaster status.

To me you are already at Forum International Super Grandmaster status in IMHO.
@ThePracticeGuy said in #14:
> and 2000 bullet rating.

Not too far off it brother, but try my algorithm (long story on another topic) lol
last to comment on top 3 topics on the forum and those 3 topics being topics I created with multiple people commenting on actively, just achieved this. 2023 has been an outstanding success already, I can sit back and let the rest of the year wash over me now.
@Raptor-5 said in #11:
> I don't take chess seriously as I apparently suck at it, but it sure is a nice little hobby.
Says the guy with a rating of 2300...Sigh...

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