


a. How many consecutive games of chess would you have to play, where your opponent lost because of a glitch, before you would request a takeback rule so that you could enjoy a good game of actual chess again?

b. How many consecutive games, where you won because your opponent glitched/slipped, would you tolerate before you'd declare chess "a waste of time" and move on to something else?
@Ellis_McPickles :D

@Onyx_Chess i can understand too persons who want takebacks...i also somtimes think about it...but know :D

and yes before i had another account there on lichess where i began with chess and it was really an abuse the takeback option. now i'm 2000 and i need to be honest i have still the option available, and at this level it happen rarely the request, but the biggest time it is just a kind of way to get me i don't know i think i will take it away, and at the very end it is not the takeback influencing your rating...for me it is just a way to be relaxed and not to be distracted by smart players that uses this features as a last weapon against a loosing position
@Onyx_Chess those "smart" players also uses draw offer for same reason...they just send you draw request in winning position, or to let you think they made errors and so on...psychological tools :D

That makes sense to me. I disallowed takebacks for very similar reasons.

But after a few months I re-instated takebacks because it was the right thing to do...because I knew that I could force a very positive impression of the Lichess community using that feature...because I hate to see a perfectly good chess game destroyed (whether I'm winning or losing) more than the odd person who might be abusing the feature...and because it's so rare that glitches/slips happen that it's no big deal for me to bite the bullet the odd time that someone uses it to annoy me.

So for me, it's worth it for all the good that it does, all the games that finish PROPERLY, and all of the good impressions that I made. It's worth it to me.

But I can respect someone turning it off if they feel as if it's more trouble than it's worth.

I don't want #48 to be lost in the fray.

It's value-added and bears repeating:

"I don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but ime mouseslips usually occur when dragging and dropping a piece. Clicking on the two squares separately is more reliable and accurate." - Ellis.

All debate aside, it's excellent form to remind opponents about those features.

If we're going to demand someone to play on after we snap their queen off the board not because we earned it, but due to a glitch, then we should at least also make sure that they're aware of the 2-click/Move-Confirmation options.

At the very least they'll take it the best way possible where they know that their opponent is at least proving some care and concern for their situation.

We're not mind-readers. For the most part we have no idea who we're playing or how much of the site that they've discovered. It's entirely possible that a significant amount of people have never been to that options page and seen that they can select a '2-click' option.

Lastly, I don't want this to be mistaken as ANY kind of a concession where the onus is put on the people for the glitchs/slips, and where that is sold as the WHOLE story.

The opposition is still trying to concoct a position that will justify how having to watch your opponent glitch a piece and offering them a takeback so that the game can play out PROPERLY, is somehow more destructive, intrusive, a waste of time, and more FUBAR than wasting time playing a broken game, not as it was intended, for points that weren't earned and can't be kept.

[" you make also a very good impression by not punishing a terrible blunder ;) i sometimes do it after analysing the situation"]

You would also make a very good impression by donating $10,000 to every second opponent.
Blunders get punished. That is chess. People making stupid moves is chess. We love chess.

That's what this whole thread is all about.

Well, thank you to all who have responded in a respectful way. I am glad to know that there is an option. After nicely granting one takeback in a Rated game without a problem and refusing a second, only to be told FU at the conclusion of the game, I have now changed the option on my Profile to enable takebacks on Casual games only. And I wish you all a lovely day filled with peace and love and good chess. I was the original poster for this topic but had no idea it would generate so much controversy.
Without blunders there would be no general relativity theory.
A blunder has nothing to do with an accidental misplacement in the terminology of chess...get a bloody life all you kids who think stomping on someone who can't quite handle the technology like you semi-literate infants is somehow inferior to you...we invented this stuff way b4 u wr brn.

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