
Is magnus a sore loser?

@sigma_nation said in #6:
> That, combined with his total inability to explain the moves
wdym. Please show me the part where he couldn't explain the moves, cuz i apparently missed it
@sigma_nation said in #6:
> Hans also had an extremely unnatural and literally unprecedented rate of growth.
No, he didn't? He trained for two years and(surprise!) he got better
@sigma_nation said in #8:
> It's proof beyond a reasonable doubt
There is no proof at all that he cheated otb against Carlsen. Ken Regan analyzed ALL of Neimann's otb games and has found NO evidence that Neimann has cheated otb.

Carlsen must clearly explain himself or be suspended by FIDE.
@sigma_nation said in #8:
> It's proof beyond a reasonable doubt

Ehh, no actually it isn't. There is literally, at the time of writing this, zero proof. That's not even a point of debate - the main mystery has been whether or not carlsen has some proof that Hans cheated in the sinqfield tournament. So far not a shred has come to light.
Only logic theory is that Magnus IN GENERAL does not want to play someone who has a history of 2 documented cheatings. Still, he didn't give any information, said nothing, just did a """"GESTURE"""". That is EMBARRASSING. Magnus Carlsen should first be banned and excluded from the Tournament. He doesn't care about chess or the chess world or sportsmanship at all. All Magnus Carlsen cares about since a few years are contracts and money. He's not a chess player, he's a business man.

Just quitting a match, who does he think he is. Bobby Fischer?
Ridiculous for a wc. He should lose the title for this behaviour. Ridiculous.
@sigma_nation Hans Niemann's 'history of cheating' is long ago and only referred to online chess games, where he was accused of using chess engines. But that can't be really controlled with any player and is allowed in correspondence games. And concerning his interviews: In his game against Firoudza that ended in a draw he made many mistakes that Firoudza didn't exploit. Firoudza gave poor analyses after the game himself. I think that this is no proof for cheating. It is time that Carlsen explains officially why he left the Sinquefield tournament. Rumours say that it was because he couldn't reach an Elo of 2900 any more after his defeat against Niemann, and that he wants to keep secretly his opening preparations.
Weren't the incidents of cheating when he was 12 years old? Would you really want to be judged for the rest of your life for something you did when you were 12?
If Magnus has some actual proof that the man is cheating he should step forward and lay it out. This passive-aggressive hinting at things and quitting after 1 move is infantile. He needs to man up.
@atterberrypm said in #19:
> Weren't the incidents of cheating when he was 12 years old? Would you really want to be judged for the rest of your life for something you did when you were 12?
> If Magnus has some actual proof that the man is cheating he should step forward and lay it out. This passive-aggressive hinting at things and quitting after 1 move is infantile. He needs to man up.

No, what we know for sure is that he cheated online as recently as about 2-3 years ago, when he was around 16. He openly admitted that. Then chess-dot-com released a statement where they said that in the interview he was downplaying the amount of cheating he admitted to and the situation was even more serious than what he conceded.

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