
Is magnus a sore loser?

@sigma_nation said in #30:
> at a rate faster than literally anyone in history bro.
Absurd. For young players, gaining 200 points in two years is nothing exceptional. Look at Alireza or Gukesh D or even young Carlsen for instance.
I love how there are super GMs who say they don't know and it's complicated, but random people on lichess talk like there is no doubt of what the truth is and it's super evident and everyone with a brain must agree.
@sigma_nation said in #30:
> He admitted to cheating both when he was 12 and when he was 16. He was 16 only three years ago. Also he has cheated much more than he actually admitted to, and that has actually been proven. Why would you actually believe someone who admits to cheating only twice, four years apart? That doesn't even make sense.
> Just train for 2 years bro and improve at a rate faster than literally anyone in history bro. It's so simple.
Wdym just, imagine losing two years of ur life by doing non-stop chess
@sigma_nation said in #30:
> He admitted to cheating both when he was 12 and when he was 16. He was 16 only three years ago.
Wdym only? From 16-19 are the years where u grow more mature than ever
@DERG_CHESS said in #33:
> Wdym just, imagine losing two years of ur life by doing non-stop chess
You really think he's the only person in history to have treated chess improvement like a full time job?
@PxJ said in #31:
> Absurd. For young players, gaining 200 points in two years is nothing exceptional. Look at Alireza or Gukesh D or even young Carlsen for instance.

Yeah, look at them. They became GMs earlier than him. They were stronger from an earlier age. Hans is actually not "young" at all for the rate he improved from the elo he was at. It is literally unprecedented and you can find plenty of super GMs admitting this.
@esmiro said in #32:
> I love how there are super GMs who say they don't know and it's complicated, but random people on lichess talk like there is no doubt of what the truth is and it's super evident and everyone with a brain must agree.

The super GMs are forced to say that due to legal issues. Like on day 1 Hikaru was clearly saying that Hans cheated, but now he has had to back track on that and pretend like he doesn't know. In his most recent video he mentioned being legally threatened over the situation. It's not hard to connect the dots here.
gms are very super in everything.They think very powerful maybe normal players can lose.But i think i will not lose maybe i can try.
@sigma_nation said in #37:
> The super GMs are forced to say that due to legal issues. Like on day 1 Hikaru was clearly saying that Hans cheated, but now he has had to back track on that and pretend like he doesn't know. In his most recent video he mentioned being legally threatened over the situation. It's not hard to connect the dots here.

The consensus on lichess seems to rather be that Niemann didn't cheat.
@sigma_nation said in #35:
> You really think he's the only person in history to have treated chess improvement like a full time job?
No, but he already had pretty good strength and he was prob training with many GMs. It is more probable, that he just got better than him having somehow cheated. And if he trained hard enough, and got very lucky, the chances aren't that crazy... at some point, someone is gonna get a game with 20-30 perfect moves. I had one with 15, but ofc not at that lvl

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