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Paul GUICHONI am 10 years old. I love atomic chess and have the title of the champion of my department.My club's name is:Club d'échecs de la brie.My skype is guichon77.J'ai sauté 2 classes.
FIDE rating: 1349
Member since Jan 2, 2017
Time spent playing: 2 days, 16 hours
Time featured on TV: 8 hours, 23 minutes
Teams2017 Atomic CandidatesAaron Jacobson Fan Cluballez les bleusAntichessatomiclover's winnersBitChess.cobulletlover's winnersFrancophone
GM penguingim1 fan clubLa France en Force !!!!! ;-)Mizar TeamProgramFOX (SenseiFOX) Fanclub!Tout les français!ULTRABULLETERSVariant testersWorld Chess Players Association (WCPA)

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