Played 1 Bullet game174214
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Thiago Evangelista
Playing since april 2011.
Leader of Brazilian Players and Harry Potter and Chess.
Jales, São Paulo

Member since 29 Jul 2011
Time spent playing: 63 days, 23 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 day, 15 hours
Teams0+1 Tournament PlayersBrazilian playersBrazilian Players - Atomic ChessChess960
Clube Online Xadrez Brasília - DF
Dale CrodefacebookGrupo de Xadrez do WhatsAppHarry Potter and ChessKristo's Team Chess playersLichess BrazilLichess_UsersSaloonThat's Mathematics!!!!The Chaotic Neutral Warrior PoetsWizard's Chess Hogwarts Teamxadrez baiano

Played 1 Bullet game175612
Played 3 Bullet games174424
Played 1 Blitz game182731
Played 3 Bullet games176828
Played 3 Bullet games179611
Played 2 Bullet games