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Andrew Triana Diaz
Chess InsightsAnalytics from Superajedrez12's gamesMe gusta el ajedrez porque es para pensar es divertido y es de dos o cuatro personas
Jamundi Valle del Cauca

Member since 20 May 2022
Time spent playing: 12 hours, 34 minutes
Time featured on TV: 23 minutes
Teams:-):)LOS REYES Y LAS DAMAS DEL AJEDREZ:-):):-)🎓 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙮 🎓ActionAjedrez de Inmortales
Ajedrez Guerreroajedrez niñosAMERICA FCCheckMate TeamChess Colombia 2020Chess TsunamíChessinside.comCHESSMATES CHESS ACADEMYCOLOMBIAcolombianosEntre Reyes y Peonesequipo amigos colombiaKanana Chess ClubLichess Antichess
Lichess Atomic
Lichess Chess960
Lichess Crazyhouse
Lichess en Español
Lichess Horde
Lichess King of the Hill
Lichess Racing Kings
Lichess Swiss
Lichess Three-check
Making Friends In Chesspasión por el chessPuerto Rico Chess AcademyPupilos de JamundiTeam ChessableTEAM COLOMBIA KIDSTeam Colombia TriunfadoresWins Team

Played 3 Rapid games106624
Played 1 Horde game1804454
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #14 (top 46%) with 1 game in Hourly Horde Arena
Played 1 Rapid game109034
Started following 1 player
Joined 1 team
Joined 1 team
Practised 2 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Gained 1 new followerStarted following 2 players
Joined 1 team