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I would be a master, if only I could stop trying to play so evil ! :)
I am a terrible time manager, but I'm good in tactics (2710 peak in puzzles).
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Member since 12 Nov 2015
Time spent playing: 145 days, 13 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 day, 22 hours
Played 1 Rapid game20565
Played 11 Rapid games206120
Played 2 Classical games19589
Played 9 Rapid games208125
Played 1 Classical game19673
Played 9 Rapid games20566
Played 1 Classical game19703
Played 10 Rapid games20503
Played 2 Classical games19733
Played 8 Rapid games204714
Played 4 Classical games19706