
Corrupt-a-wish Game

Wish granted. People stop posting 2 wishes at a time. However, they start posting infinity wishes at a time, destroying this game, and people get very mad at you.
I wish for infinity wishes that will always be granted.
But they're all corrupted, and thus you're infinitely crushed.

I wish that the next wish made will be granted, and not corrupted in any way.
AWW granted.
My wish is now incorruptable.

I wish that i would be able to keep straight A's in college.
There's no A's in "college" young man. To what sorry excuse for a school did they send you? Wish granted however.

I wish for a packet of cigarettes.
You get the largest cigarette pack mankind has ever seen.
It is larger than the earth.
It hits the earth, and everybody suffocates from the smoke from the cigarettes burning in the atmosphere.

I wish I could type perfectly.
Granted. You can type so fast that the government is trying to hunt you down, just to see if you're superhuman.
Does that mean I get a free wish?*pick up*

I wish for someone to corrupt #390

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