
Corrupt-a-wish Game

Wish granted.

You were the greatest chess player for 1 nanosecond, then I came along and crushed your dream.

I wish I could post in this forum more often.
Granted, but this wish being aberrant and utterly removed from reality, you will end up paying a handsome price for it, which will end up inside the fat wallet of some psychiatrist.

I wish for love.
Wish granted.

You fall in love with a pineapple. It rots away. You decide to suicide because it "died".

I wish for someone to corrupt wish #355.
Damn, something actually interesting. You fucking bastard! You hound!

Wish granted (nonsensical license).
Granted, but everyone else is under confinement.

I wish I was good at DDR.
@ElliottB1 wish granted.

You get so good you overexert yourself. You fall into a coma and die 2.125 years later.

I wish for a bagel (from Costco, and make sure it's overpriced).
Granted. It's so expensive you go bankrupt, can no longer pay the rent for your house, and become a beggar. The only thing you can really do anymore is eat your now-rotten bagel.

I wish the on-topic forums were more popular than the forum games.
Then people won't play any forum games like this,but speak about only serious things.

I wish that all chess players today go in Lichess and play in tournaments.

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