
Corrupt-a-wish Game

Granted, but you do absolutely nothing, meaning you STILL don't work.

I wish I was better at horde.

Granted. But then it's dropped off lichess and so you never get to play.

As far as aging goes, I wish my physical age would stay at 30 and my mental capabilities will never wane.

You look like you are 30 for the rest of your life. This means, when you and your wife are together, everyone thinks she is your grandmother.

I wish I was the Greatest.
You are so great that people become jealous of you and murder you.
I wish i was happy

You are happy when you find out you won#t re requring a liver transplant but unhappy when you find out that the reason for that is that cancer has spread through your entire body making the transplant a waste of a healthy organ.

I wish I could be invisible at will. The invisibility I have carries over to things I am wearing or carrying so I don't have to walk around nude. The power to change to invisible mode is instantaneous and controlled solely by my willpower and thought control. The invisibility skill is hard wired into my brain so that I cannot forget how to control it.
Granted, but as a result, your body parts will also be invisible thus causing you to be unable to do "That". Hence, your girlfriend or wife will leave you and you will live a lonely life forever, unable to be seen.

I wish I could get a scholarship to Yale xD
Granted, but as a result you'd lose 80% of your time kissing people's asses, resulting in dementia at age 67.

I wish I could still afford my dutch citizenship. My passport has expired and I can't afford a new one. Can't even go and buy weed anymore, for I can't formally prove that I was born in the Netherlands.
You can still afford your Dutch citizenship, but you can't buy anything else.

I wish I was the greatest chess player.

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