
What is the objective of chess?

Obviously, it's to checkmate the opponent.
So first: you would control the center and then develop your minor pieces.
After you have castled and connected your rooks, what do you do?

How do you attack the other player?
I always end up blundering a winning position or even just my slight advantage.

What do you recommend?

Step 2: ATTACK ( castle if necessary )
Look through my games if you want, pretty much all I do is attack and make threats. If you want some really useful examples of attacking positions look at games by Willhelm Steinitz and Morphy.
The openings you play may also be more positional and not as easy to just open lines and create threats quickly, openings aren't very important but might be something to correct. Best of luck.
The objective of chess is to learn while having fun.
The aim of chess is to achieve a win, within a time frame.

Your overall plan is to create a pawn structure that you will using in the middle game.

If you are familiar with a particular pawn structure,
then you know where you will be combining your forces.

You should also know that your opponent will be trying to undermine your plan. If they do not try to undermine the pawn structure plan, then you will have the winning advantage.

Conclusion: A useful objective is to have a familiar middle game pawn structure.
An objective sets tangible targets that can be attained.
Transposing an opening into a familiar pawn structure, has now become my primary chess objective. After I obtain my objective, depending on many factors like time left to play, checkmate should be my goal.
What is a good pawn structure? How do I defend my pawns with other pawns without weakening my light squares or my dark squares? How do I know my pawn structure is good?
To answer your question, there is jsut too much information to type. So your goal to your question is for you to type in a search engine: wiki pawn structure.

Click on the links and start learning about pawn structures.
Memorise the common structures and the advantages for the players using them. Then try to transpose your games into one of those structures, so that you can drive your games on paved chess roads.

Chess is full of patterns, the more you learn, the better you get.
I realize that I use the dragon formation when I'm playing the pirc defense.

I've looked at all the pawn structures, (skimmed), but I don't see how white can be advantageous in any way. All of the pawn structures for white were stagnant.
Its objective is making nerds think they are doing something very clever, perhaps artistic even, when in fact they're only wasting their time.

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