
Repetition draw without repetition

The position repeated 3 times. Look at the end position then go back through the game. It doesn't need to be in a row. The position just needs to repeat

It looks like there is repetition. After move 54, 56 and 58 the same position is reached.
Wrong question. I thought its a repetion of moves 3 times in a row by both sides. Keep track of past positions with 20 sec left is not easy.
I was thinking 3 fold is a way to make draw by repeating moves if there is no progress available. Its really weird rule
It's a common misconception that threefold repetition means that moves are repeated three times; actually it means that the position is repeated three times, it can be at any 3 times, like moves 40, 50 and 60 for example.
Some additional infos:

The same piece placement and the same possibilities to move, the same player has the move. E.p. and castling has to be considered, a position is not the same which differs in that.

My personal rule of thumb: look at the three FENs, they have to be equal. The add. relevant data like player to move, castle and ep rights are shown there.
Also, two of the same piece can swap positions, and it still counts as an occurrence of the same position. So if it is, for instance, that the two rooks have swapped so they are now on the squares their counterparts previously occupied, it still counts as repeating that position.

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