
I have been playing chees for 2 years and a half and already at 2100 can I become a GM?

Now a real question. I read the title and really say myself. I'm not 2100, by far not. But I've been playing chess for 2 to 2.5 years now and seem to be doing fine.

I played my first (fide) otb tournament previous weekend. It was a 2 minute tournament. I think my rating will be somewhere around 1900. I've never read a single chess book, had coaching for maybe like 2 to 3 hours total. I play chess almost every week in the pub / chess club and everyday on lichess.

So I ask you guys to give me some advice on improving my chess. As told before, I've never read a chess book, which one(s) do you guys advice my to read to get into the chess book reading. I also don't have a chess board so everything will to through . My blindfold skill is present, not good, but present. I can play a chess game without losing track of the board that quickly, I'm just a lot weaker when playing blindfolded.

I play a classical every week at the club (it's summer break now, so no games atm) which are really helpful. But I want to achieve more. Can you guys give me some tips.

Oh and btw, I suck at endgames.

EDIT: @chessanalyst thanks for the mentions. I'll look into them. Yeah, maybe as somebody who has never read a chess book ever a book being read by a 2800 isn't that great of a plan, but I'll give it a go. Thanks!
Jacob Aagaard Positional play
Jacob Aagaard Strategic play
Jacob Aagaard Calculation
These three books are a religion. Especially Positional Play.
Yesterday I was speaking about them on chess 24 and Lawrance Trent (Caruana's former manager said they were some of the best books he has used while helping Fabi prepare.) So I guess if they are good enough for a 2800 they are good enough for everyone else.
They are a bit advanced and meant for 2000+ players but I am able to grasp them well enough to learn from them at my level even.

Aagaard Endgame Play - I dont own this book but it is on my list.

For endgames
Silmans Endgame course - great book really extensive.
it is possible to become a gm, just study hard with annotated gm games, and get your tactical skills up there by practicing puzzles, make sure to study every day for 3 hours, you should use chessbase as your way of storing files.
I can beat you sarg0n, 100%.

accept my game request and if you win I shall leave the forums
@Irishman164 I like long answers so there is hope for me, and I know how to work hard.

@FatesWarning I wish that were so but as I have discovered it is much harder to gain rating points at higher rattings.

@SunWatAir57 thanks. Those who doubt make me simply more determined to be next GM.

@ProfessionalPatzer that's lies I haven't been banned for cheating and I'm not fantasychessprowhatever. And I'm not still cheating on

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