
How do I memorize square names on the board?

I’m trying to memorize the names of the squares and just chess notation in general.
@IChrisI Think of the squares like a coordinate grid. First the row (letter) and then the column (number.)
Well there is some cordinates option in practice tools in lichess.
It will be of a good use
Always view board from white's Side .
H1 square is white . Rest can be calculated with it being a reference .
See the board like a 8 x 8 multiplication table. From the White side, the first rank is 1 and the last rank where the Black king is 8. From White's left a. Right most is h. Easy.
Just takes some practice.when I learned chess it was with English descriptive notation where every square had two names.algebraic is can do it!!! If you go on Google Play type in chess and you can find several useful apps and they're all free.good luck!

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