
Breaking the Silence

Did anyone report this to Police. I guess not its easier to get public attendance I mean who needs witnesses. J.S. does not seem like a target maybe Rameraze needs glasses.
But this way lichess can say they are woke.
The presumption of innocence is a concept that belongs in a court of law. It does not mean that others can't shun you (and/or kick you out of a chess club) after you've been accused of SA. The reason it exists in the law is because, in a criminal trial, a guilty/innocent verdict can mean the difference between living a normal life and dying of old age (or worse) in a windowless compound. It's there because the stakes are extremely high, with repercussions that go way beyond a prison term (think sex offender registries).

No one has an obligation to accept you, that's called freedom of association.
I'm glad that the evidence was collected, and believe the victims here. I do want to point out to some commenters that men can be the victim of sexual harassment, and women the aggressor, even though this is not necessarily happening in the world of chess. I hope that further legal action is pursued against the perpetrator and all aggressors of sexual harassment and misconduct.
@Nowaythisnameistaken said in #253:
> Presumption of innocence is a fundamental human right. It is not a formality, **Do Not Attack Or Undermine A Human Right** Everybody has to honour it, else you are totalitarian. Even more if there has been no talk to the police or charges filed etc.
> Sincerely, the 20th century..

There have been several reports of sexual misconduct from the same person from unaffiliated sources, clear witnesses (the employee advising to be left alone), and that person has put himself intentionally around the type matching his victims (girls below majority and younger women).
@somethingpretentious said in #218:
> However, in our opinion, both US Chess and STLCC have failed to demonstrate an important aspect of accountability – a willingness to acknowledge and address past shortcomings. We do not think that reconciliation will be possible without this acknowledgement.

They likely can't do that due to the litigation exposure. I'm fairly sure uscf isn't a rich organization and has needed cash input from outside to survive. If they make a statement, then get sued into oblivion then US players of all levels won't have a chess organization anymore. Maybe that's the moral way to go but it will set back chess in the US for years. I'd rather see a call for resignation of those who knew of this within the organization or a call to players to vote out the current leadership (as it is in their power to do ultimately).
@bolszakdikbuht said in #263:
> From US Chess president Randy Bauer:
> "I disagree, but I'm not going to debate this point by point. US Chess conducted an independent investigation (meaning we hired two law firms and paid them about $90,000 of member dues money to conduct it), and they reached conclusions related to US Chess that are different than Lichess. These are law firms with professional responsibility related to their work. Their findings are embodied in our original release on the investigation."
> Posted on FB today 8/11/23

What a terrible statement, as the findings were not published due to some excuses. Burning 90k to say "trust us, these guys say we did nothing wrong". He should resign.
Typical chess players , they are nuts .Not to mention full of themselves , like being good at chess is something. I got news for ya it’s not. Fisher was right . Magnus is punk
So, a handful of incidents means you are no longer supporting chess in one of the largest countries in the world by population, the US. My guess is that many other Federations are worse. This is simply anti-Americanism. And yes, not supporting the USCF will onlydo more harm to girls.

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