
Breaking the Silence

@Molurus said in #247:
> "That would be true if this were a criminal court case. It's not."

Presumption of innocence is a fundamental human right. It is not a formality, **Do Not Attack Or Undermine A Human Right** Everybody has to honour it, else you are totalitarian. Even more if there has been no talk to the police or charges filed etc.

Sincerely, the 20th century..
Thank you very much lichess for bringing this to the light. The chess community clearly still has a lot of work to do to fix the issues brought up.
@CaroKatze said in #252:
> Is this how you generally respond when people talk about things that have happened to them?
My reaction would be proportionate to how close they are to me, if it's my sister for example then yes I'd believe her, but if it's a stranger I've never heard of I wouldn't believe anything without proof.
But that's irrelevant because what matters is what the court of law decides, not what my useless opinion.

> It's incredibly disrespectful to ask someone to provide "evidence" or details to random strangers on the internet
First of all, no one is asking anyone to give proof here, the proof should be given to the police/law/court.
Secondly, there is nothing disrespectful about asking for proof when we're dealing with a crime especially one of this magnitude.
Just put yourself in an innocent accused's shoes (many many such cases,) imagine your life gets completely ruined just because some person who made up a story about you had the privilege to be believed without proof because this person happens to be a woman!!!

> where is this attitude coming from of not believing women on principle?!
Again this has nothing to do with gender, this is simply about the fundamental principle which every court on earth agrees on (regardless of whether they do apply it) and which is: everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
This thread is:

- 25% people who appreciate what Lichess has done and fully support their stance;
- 15% people who appreciate what Lichess has done but disagree to some extent to their conclusions;
- 10% people who are neutral on the matter;
- 50% people who have reading comprehension issues and have not understood what this blog is about...

...and 100% reason to remember that forums are full of toxic trolls.
<Comment deleted by user>
Men often do such horrible things. That's a fact. But in democratic countries, it's up to the courts to decide if they are guilty of these crimes. Not a statement. Not the private opinion of a celebrity. Not public opinion. Only the court. It's a pity lichess is so biased. Could this have happened? Quite. Should they (if they did) be held responsible, even criminally? Of course. Who decides? Alas, in this case it's not the court that decides, it's lichess.
One last thing. Is there libel also in such crimes? Let's be objective.
I like lichess way better than the evil bully monopoly, but in THIS case the actions of lichess are completely ineffective. Imagine you are a girl at the notorious st louis chess club, and you know that lichess made this virtue signaling article, but is now distancing itself from the club. The girl at the st louis chess club is like... gee, thanks for saving the day, lichess. Virtue signaling while the political climate favors virtue signaling really does nothing to combat the real problem.
Dudes, there is a reason why women rarely play chess and want to continue to play chess and it's not, because men are more intelligent than women.
There are many just allegations that never make it to court for different reasons.
You are all delusional if you think that there is no problem and that you aren't responsible for anything, but to move chess pieces.

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