
Breaking the Silence

<Comment deleted by user>
@ObadiahBlueHat said in #243:
> You seem very unstable, I think it ́s best you focus on chilling down for a bit before you get a stroke or something.
> And as for "whatever backwater secular society you're from", that sentence speaks volumes about your humanitarian personality. There ́s nothing nuttier than a religious american.
> So I will take the mature decision here for you and end this discussion. Bye bye, take care of yourself

Everything you've projected on to me you've done - Exaggerated if not worse!?

Deciding to put this conversation to close is by far the only considerate thing you've done this far. I'll appreciate being spared from our nonsense.
@QueenRosieMary said in #231:

> Not going to the police afterwards does not mean it didn't happen.
> I didn't go to the police when I was 17 and "something" happened, doesn't mean it didn't happen
> I told a responsible adult at the time and got punished for it (it was in a Youth Hostel and I was made to clean the whole toilet block)
> my "story" is not untrue. But yeah sure, go ahead and dismiss it as funny.
> Think you need to grow up and develop some respect for women.
> (in previous post : yesterday I received sexually explicit, inappropriate, and abusive dms from a Lichess user)

You seem to reject both the burden of proof and the requirement of clarity in your charge ("something" happened that I don't have to proof).
So "something" bad happened with a man 15 years ago, and the one "adult" you told didn't believe you (or thought it was your fault) and punished you for it. You never reported a complaint.

You also appear to have received a couple sexual DM from a "man" with multiple accounts. Well, harassment can happen to anyone, which is why Lichess has a privacy setting that permits DM for "Only friends".
From a technical standpoint, perhaps Lichess could further rate-limit DMs from new and inactive accounts, or even from IP, could be a practical improvement.

Your bad experiences aren't funny to me, and I'm sorry if they still have an impact on you, but many people have experienced, witnessed and heard about far more concrete and awful things to be really moved by what you've just shared.
This is nothing personal and has nothing to do with "women".
@Maestro230 said in #246:
> Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.

That would be true if this were a criminal court case.

It's not.
This is the great discourse lichess is encouraging!!! Can't get more players to play online. Okay, at least can get more people to do public shaming in forum.
@rhobspier said in #194:
> You mean the title player who said the alleged victim and the father of the alleged victim both decided to not take action against him? That title player?

... Yes? Is that a reason to downvote someone for speaking about their experience?
I think this story is only the tip of the iceberg, but I hope anyone involved gets dealt proper and severe justice. It is very hard to pinpoint what the chess community represents (because it is a large community) but we can certainly do better.
@Molurus said in #247:
> That would be true if this were a criminal court case.
> It's not.

What are you trying to say?
Please tell me.
Are allegations to be treated as true as long as enough people believe them?
Should a twitter Mob decide the fate of people with minimal information?
What exactly did happen? Has there been an investigation into the matter or did the organisations act out of fear of public backlash?

Presumption of innocence is not some formal procedure in court systems it is a fundamental principal on which any functional justice system relies.

I don't know any of the people or really care about them. However I do notice thatover the years, there has been a shift away from real integrity torwards virtue signalling as long as it fits whatever thing is popular night now, both in lichess and in the media and large institutions.
That worries me.
@Bulletkrieg said in #242:
> You are definitely not alone. But we will not believe you without evidence.

@Tirbal said in #245:
> You seem to reject both the burden of proof and the requirement of clarity in your charge ("something" happened that I don't have to proof).

Hmm, is this really what you are like? Is this how you generally respond when people talk about things that have happened to them? It's incredibly disrespectful to ask someone to provide "evidence" or details to random strangers on the internet just to be taken seriously as a woman and a survivor, especially when it's not even the point at all. What the hell is going on here? where is this attitude coming from of not believing women on principle?! This entire thread is sooo frustrating to read and clearly shows the depth of the problem.

On the positive side: I'm really glad lichess did what they did and would have wanted it to happen sooner, but it's obviously not an easy thing to decide. Also good to bring attention to the issue again, it didn't receive nearly as much attention as it deserved when the stories first came out, and well, it's easy to see why...

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