
Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off

this article is long on word of mouth and short of analysis. doesn't really bother me either way, as a casual enjoyer of interweb chess, though. people will shill the 80 euro if they want to buy it, but lets not kid ourselves into believing anyone who needs this gossip type of reporting to make their determination will know what any of it means to begin with.
I bought the new fritz and fat (1) in december, sad too see no upgrade to fat(2) is offered only full price...
Hi Charles II.

People who care about their money will understand.

In my example I bought Fritz 17 a year ago. It included Fat Fritz 1. I only realised later that this is most likely a repackaged Lc0, because when you open engine setup and to change options Lc0 is mentioned. Also the Fat Fritz 1 suggestions were not much different from what I was getting from other free engines that I have also installed into Fritz 17 GUI , namely Lc0 and SF12. Actually I liked SF12 the most and set it up as my default engine.

When Fat Fritz 2 was released I thought about buying it. However my inner gut feeling was telling me that it is not worth, especially as there was no upgrade price.

After reading the article I realised that I was taken for a fool. I will never buy any chess engine from ChessBase again. Also this bad feeling will also make me think twice before buying any other products from ChessBase.
I have stupid question.
since Fat Fritz 2 used GPLv3 product (stockfish),then almost necessarily Fat Fritz 2 engine has to be licenced by GPLv3 (I didn't find under which licence it is,but it has to be) ..

what about repackaging Fat Fritz 2 engine, calling it Slim Frank 64, "credit" chessbase by having a banner "get a free copy of Fat Fritz 2 clone " or something like that ?
Damn, I was looking forward to buying a Regium e-chessboard with Fat Fritz 3 beta included for free...
@threexk I think you're right? I'm not too familiar with the licenses, but I think if you fork a GPL engine, your engine has to be GPL as well ... which means Chessbase can't stop people from giving Fat Fritz 2 away for free? Even calling FF2 a "fork" is very generous too. It's basically Stockfish Neural Net trained with a different base of games.
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I think the document here is very insulting. Fritz has been around for decades now. Chessbase does a great job. Lichess is oversteppeing here and is not fair.

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