
GM Rauf Mamedov Wins Strange Chess Tournament With All the Pieces on the Wrong Squares.

It looks like the author of this post dislikes chess960 - all the more so that there is not a single chess960 game among a dozen thousand of games he or she played here on Lichess.
Is this post the reflection of Lichess' general stand towards chess960?
That - and not the placement of the pieces - would be strange indeed.
And then we would keep wondering why chess960, with all its richness, attraction and creativity, is not popular enough yet...
A joke? Indeed, it is. This is not even a proper report. No mention of this arena being the strongest Lichess Chess960 Titled Arena ever, nothing about the number of entries for chess960 titled arenas (wasn't it a record this time?). Extremely little about how the tournament fight went on. In general, the author doesn't seem enthusiastic about the subject. It's as if I were asked to write a report on giveaway or atomic or watching paint dry, and would agree reluctantly - but why would they ask exactly me, in the first place?
As for berserking BTW, I think it would make sense to adjust the system somehow because it is now disproportionately benefitting those who berserk. Compare e.g. Mitrabha (#7) and LyinTed (#9) to Benefactorr (#26) and Moose959 (#27).
There might be some solutions including but not limited to: reducing the number of points awarded for a berserk victory, limiting the number or % of possible berserks for each participant, shortening the berserk's time on the clock even further.
Perhaps losing a game while berserking could give negative points? That might skew it too far in the other direction though.

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