
Any masters who started late

My two cents: enjoy chess and forget about titles.
This hanging pawns dude's got a long way to go. He has to compete with all those whizkids...

Taken from the channel:

"Hanging Pawns is a chess channel for players who are trying to improve (by a player who is trying to improve).
I am a chess player who has started his career late by any standards. I played my first rated tournament game when I was 26, eighteen months ago. Since then I have decided to dedicate my life and my time to chess, and to make it possible to travel to tournaments and to have enough money and time to do so. My ultimate goal is to work daily until I become a GM, which will surely take years to accomplish. All the games I play, how I prepare for my opponents and the methods I use to improve and to learn will be posted on this channel!
My current ELO is 1770. I hope you find something useful here and that you get to improve your chess as well! Cheers!
Update: current ELO (Sep 2019) 1901"
@Sarg0n maybe he will not become GM, but to go from playing first rated tournament in 26 yo to beating FM and almost win against GM in a course of less then three years is quite amazing, you have to give him that. I see him as national master in a few years, we'll see...
I think there are at least three inconvenient facts that conspire against the ambition to become a GM when you start as an adult:

- Progress is much faster in your childhood and teens; as an adult, you need to invest a lot more time
- For most people, free time shrinks dramatically once you are an adult (studies / job / family)
- Not only the brain, also the body requires more attention to stay in shape when you get older. And physical fitness is important if you want to reach the top.

If, however, you won the lottery and can hire a full-time personal coach, do little else but chess training and physical exercise from morning until evening for the next couple of years, I'm sure you'd have a chance...
@Sarg0n so your stand is that it is near to impossible to become say national master if one starts to take chess seriously in his late twenties or thirties?

@Panagrellus and more important, kids in general don't have much to worry about outside the board, so they can achieve full focus. Adults on the other hand have heads full of problems and worries, they worry about finances, work, family/kids... it's hard to put that all aside when sitting OTB
@LukaCro I am pretty sure it almost impossible to learn chess well enough to be master for late starter. Ability learn drops a good deal at the age abotu 30. And it is not attitude issue but there are clear biological reasons it happens.

Becoming well above average why not. NM probably not, FM I dont think so

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