
A new variant idea

I think having pawns on 1st and 8th reals should just be disallowed (except naturally moving a pawn to furthest rank). would make it simpler
ok @InnateAluminum , if someone does a pawn swap that will get your pawn to promote while checking the other king, it is not allowed case closed
Oh I see. You should disallow swapping a pawn to eighth rank OR the capturing player gets to choose the promotion (they are, after all, the one capturing).
If thibault comes to this forum he might make the new variant because only he can program using python and java because he is the maker of lichess. So this forum has to be super big.
To confirm, I believe it is a great variant idea and *should* be added, however there is no support for a new variant on Lichess. I don't think that there is anything bad about it.
Not only he can program python and java, but he has to know about this to implement it into the game.
Really hoping this variant gets implemented, also, would en passant be allowed or disallowed?

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