
A new variant idea

Anyone know any tools for constructing new variants on lichess? I'd love to hear them
I don't really know, but Lichess is open-source and you can go to Github, as mentioned earlier. However, actually implementing something seems really hard, (at least for the non-computer savvy). I know I have said very little, I just like the idea and wanted to bump it.
My personal opinion on the pawn promotion is that white's turn will finish and then black gets to choose. For instance if a queen on a1 swaps with a pawn on a7 with check, the king moves and now that black is out of check he can choose to promote the pawn after they make their move. Or, you could just always have it default to queen.
Great Thinking! I was also thinking of that the pawn promotion could only allow figures that won't check the king. For example, if my white pawn on a7 promoted to a8, and there was a black king on h8, it would allow changes to a knight or a bishop, but not a rook or a queen.

Thanks for the support and consideration!
And I'm pretty sure you can't implement anything, it needs to get approved, and am quite sure I've heard a lichess dev saying that the code has to be approved by thibault, which makes sence as you don't want someone putting a whole lot of spam on ur website, or anything else for that matter
Sorry for it appearing to sound that you look like a person who'd put ads on this site. What I meant was that they can't let absolutely anyone just upload a bit of code to this site, as you never know what it would be. That's why it would have to be approved before being implemented into the site
@InnateAluminum promotion checks are disallowed because, as you know it is against the rules to check or checkmate yourself. It wouldn't be too logical to be allowed to check mate yourself. That will simply move more people away from chess than to it.

@pn2206 don't worry mate I completely understand your point, and too if I was lichess would look at the script before implementing it.
we are talking about solar. In all chess variants, it is not allowed to check or checkmate yourself

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