
Outrageous!!! How can white be victorious here ?

Blacks time is up and White can't checkmate Black with the remaining pieces, shouldn't it be a draw?
While a knight and king cannot checkmate a king in theory, with a rook on the board there is a possible position where mate happens, so it would only be a draw if the rook was eliminated
dude if u can't stand losing on time play longer time controls. besides, u had multiple chances to make a draw by sacrificing the remaining rook for the knight, but u wanted more and got nothing. aint this how life works?
i didn't know that it was possible for me to lose with my opponent having a knight and a king and i didn't say that i can't stand losing on time or anything like that, i thought he just couldn't win legally, that's all, i was ignorant of that position.
Outrageous!!! How can people play here not knowing the rules?

Ok, agree. If you don’t know now you know.
Funny thing about Licess is that this website follows FIDE rules for blitz, which means unlike other websites, you can end up winning with only a king and knight.

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