
Outrageous!!! How can white be victorious here ?

@hangrad Doesn't that endgame trainer require use of a tablebase? I haven't seen any Lichess puzzles/training which allows for more than one solution, let alone using a tablebase.
@Toadofsky to as you see from the first post in this thread, winning rook vs knight, or even queen vs knight endgame, requires knowledge of a method. Mastering the method requires training. It's not puzzle training because there is usually more than one method and many different correct moves. I think the endgames trainer used to be available under "Practice". It had many bugs and was removed. You have the coding skills to fix the bugs and return it.
I think lichess has endgame tablebase. I remember seeing it and opening explorer through analysis board. They might have also been removed long time ago without anyone noticing.
If you just open the game in the analysis board you see it is checkmate in 36 moves.
Besides the endgame R vs. N was already studied in 1257 by Al Adli.

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