
Game analysis

RepliesLast post
Finally a win against someone i never won before4
by AsDaGo
Stockfish lvl 60
by Happysanta
Is this a three move repetition?4
by SmilingTurtle
Why is this game 99% accuracy instead of 100%?5
by nadjarostowa
strano modo di assegnare i punteggi.......2
by Arianna1975
Probably my best bullet game so far!!!0
by thisiszablunder
Just for entertainment ( one of my gameplay)0
by journeytomastering
I find that level 6 is sometimes very odd!5
by Druismat
i resigned in a drawn position :(3
by Planet_CHESS465
This time I genuinely defeated a GM (in a bullet game)0
by thisiszablunder
I checkmated a GM with three queens lol11
by <erased>
This game is the exact reason why should not lower rated players that 1900s are good?2
by <erased>
what's the propose of engine's move?3
by Nerwal
why is this a mistake?1
by Nerwal
Is there an easier way?9
by Happysanta