
Outrageous!!! How can white be victorious here ?

@Sarg0n even though it is by the rules, I still consider it outrageous. The thread @hangrad mentioned shows some complicated situation where people delivered checkmate with one minor piece, but who would take their king to the corner of on open board and trap it beside the rook with no squares to escape in a knight and rook endgame? A win is never possible here unless the player himself wants to lose.
Ok, no mercy then.

Clint Eastwood says: there are two kinds of people: the ones who like the rule. And those who complain and have to cope with it.

I have the easier life. Good luck and good-bye.

PS: an outrageous mate in 12, White to move. Forced.

@Hasan_Al-Banna Now you know the rule. Use the knowledge to your advantage. I am sure that one day you will end up with drawn position and your opponent will have very little time remaining. Don't trade the knight for the rook, just move fast and win on time. Also remember, when you move fast you become much more likely to blunder and lose no matter how much advantage you have.
And there are some people who thinks them as god to grant people mercy just because they are good at chess!
There are plenty of rude people. Some of them are good in chess. Chess players generally never have mercy. The worst type of people are the ones who have very low chess title, have very little chess skill, are rude, and have no mercy. This type of people are common in chess clubs. They never want to play strong opponents. They always look for weak players to beat in a chess game and laugh at them for a long time afterwards. The annoying little billies. They commonly troll on chess forums too. The best chess players are Grand Masters!
Here are nice videos:

When it comes to people complaining about rules like this, you sure have a knack for finding games that they played and are even more outrageous than what they were complaining about! Well done XD
@AcademicNinja99 Such examples are usually easy to find:

* Profile > Games > Advanced search by Winner and Result (Clock flag), then scroll through the list.
It's challenging to win this endgame vs Stockfish level 8. In this position, when very low on time, the most prudent thing to do is exchange rook for the knight and force the draw.

@Toadofsky Since you are already here, can you please add Rook vs Knight and other endgames training to lichess practice? Magnus Carlsen is famous as the best endgames player.
Here is a free endgame trainer I found on a different website:
Is it possible to add something similar to lichess?

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