
Lichess coaches

NM kielinkei Lichess coach picture

NM Patrik Aalto

"You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win" Jose Capablanca

Location Finland
LanguagesSuomen kieli, English (US), Español
RatingFIDE: 22822586
Hourly rate20€
FM Oliver04 Lichess coach picture

FM Oliver Wartiovaara

Play harmonious chess!

LocationHelsinki Finland
LanguagesSuomen kieli, English (US), Svenska, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 234026022473
Hourly rate30€
NM SebisSeba Lichess coach picture

NM Sebastian Korman

I am a National Master, a two-time Finnish Champion (U20) from Finland. I can help you to understand chess deeply and improve your skills systemically and effectively.

Location Finland
LanguagesEnglish (US), Suomen kieli
RatingFIDE: 2221
Hourly rate25 €
NM noggis Lichess coach picture

NM Mauri Lehtosaari

"Chess is like body-building. If you train every day, you stay in top shape. It is same with your brain - chess is matter of daily training." -Kramnik

Location Finland
LanguagesEnglish (US), Suomen kieli
Hourly rate$25/h ($45 for 2h session)
NM SuurTunari Lichess coach picture

NM Sauli Tiitta

I have been teaching chess as my main job for 16 years now! My strongest student is now IM.

LocationEspoo Finland
LanguagesSuomen kieli, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 217021112155
Hourly rate30 euros per hour