Solved 2 training puzzles121751
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I love it to play chess
Member since 29 Apr 2021
Time spent playing: 5 days, 14 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 hour, 22 minutes
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Played 6 Atomic games154417
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #63 (top 54%) with 6 games in Hourly Atomic Arena
Played 9 Atomic games15618
Played 1 Rapid game
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #33 (top 34%) with 7 games in Hourly Atomic Arena
Ranked #69 (top 70%) with 2 games in Hourly Atomic Arena
Played 1 Bullet game84962
Played 18 Atomic games155347
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #17 (top 24%) with 16 games in Hourly Atomic Arena
Played 1 Atomic game15066
Played 2 Atomic games151215
Played 1 Three-check game130447