Played 1 Rapid game80565
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FIDE rating: 1812

Member since 30 May 2021
Time spent playing: 20 hours, 10 minutes
Time featured on TV: 4 minutes
TeamsElite Chess Players' Union
♟️ The Queen's Gambit ♟️=)(=★Lΐcͥђeͣsͫs★Antichess NetherlandsAntichess Western Europe
Arab World Team
Beyond Incredible CHESS Club!👊CHESS NETWORK👊ChesslandiaCrestbook Chess ClubDo not click on this team!
Egyptian Future ChampionsFamily Awad/Mahi⚔⚔💣FIRE CRACKERS 💣⚔⚔Fischer Random Chess Center
GekkenhuisJSC Magnus De MeernJumpsey
Kalam_3102 -- friendsLichess Antichess
Lichess Discord Bundesliga Team
Lichess Swiss
malaysian chess squad (MCS)MaxjananishNiall and LutfiNiusha's KnightclubOfferspill SjakklubbOud Zuylen UtrechtQueens Gambit OntrafeldRoyalpawnsSneaXThe Arab Team
The House Discord Serverthe niz_30011 teamWere the greatest crewmates!Wizzy's Chess

Played 4 Rapid games870112
Joined 1 team
Gained 1 new follower
Played 1 Antichess game99472
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #46 in Blitz Increment