Played 2 Blitz games170214
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Member since 12 Nov 2023
Time spent playing: 6 days, 20 hours
TeamsChessMasteragadmator's TeamAll India Inter-SchoolBengal tigerCrestbook Chess ClubFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusGuru X AquilaHitset Swiss Leaguehuseynovchess1987IM Eric Rosen Fan ClubIM Roderick Nava Chess TeamInternational Academy of Chess
Lichess Swiss
Neighbor of Magnus Carlsen Fan Club
pawn stars 2rapid 8+0
Russian Chess PlayersShiburaj.cSiliguri BlitzStudy Creators & Friends
Syeda Faiza Elite Chess Club
Team ChessableThe House Discord ServerZhigalko_Sergei & Friends

Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #507 (top 95%) with 2 games in World day festival 7 Friday Team Battle
Played 3 Rapid games17181
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #92 (top 36%) with 3 games in rapid 8+0 Team Battle
Played 8 Rapid games17179
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #57 (top 24%) with 8 games in rapid 8+0 Team Battle
Played 11 Rapid games170817
Played 3 UltraBullet games137260
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #67 (top 29%) with 11 games in rapid 8+0 Team Battle
Ranked #114 (top 95%) with 3 games in 118th ULTRAbullet Team Battle
Played 1 Rapid game17258
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #116 (top 47%) with 1 game in rapid 8+0 Team Battle
Played 6 Blitz games17163
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #26 (top 40%) with 6 games in 1740thKANNUR ChirakkalKairali Arena
Played 13 Rapid games171726
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #109 (top 42%) with 13 games in rapid 8+0 Team Battle