Solved 1 training puzzle176828
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Chess Planet

Member since 13 Nov 2023
Time spent playing: 8 days, 10 hours
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Played 21 moves in 6 correspondence games
Completed 1 correspondence game1 loss
Created 1 new study
Solved 5 training puzzles174034
Played 3 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 4 Rapid games
Played 3 Blitz games
Posted 1 message in Why are only 2 rounds listed when it says there are 7 online?Posted 1 message in Challenge mePosted 1 message in What's your favorite chess square?
Played 31 moves in 6 correspondence games
Started following 1 player
Solved 6 training puzzles17746
Played 1 Rapid game163716
Posted 1 message in Why are only 2 rounds listed when it says there are 7 online?Posted 1 message in How to prepare for a Scholastic Chess TournamentPosted 3 messages in What's your favorite chess square?
Played 24 moves in 7 correspondence games
Completed 5 correspondence games5 losses
Defeat vs Stockfish level 6
Defeat vs Stockfish level 6
Defeat vs venter4971
Defeat vs hernik93 (1949?)
Defeat vs CSKA_Moscou
Defeat vs Stockfish level 6
Defeat vs venter4971

Defeat vs hernik93 (1949?)
Defeat vs CSKA_Moscou

Gained 1 new follower
Created 1 new study
Solved 3 training puzzles17803
Posted 1 message in Has anyone found a way to do an AI analysis of all of your Lichess gam…Posted 1 message in Advice for an Old Adult Improver?Posted 1 message in What's your favorite chess square?
Played 12 moves in 5 correspondence games
Solved 4 training puzzles178317
Played 20 moves in 6 correspondence games
Created 1 new study
Solved 8 training puzzles180060
Posted 3 messages in Who has been in a MR Beast Vidio
Posted 1 message in The 12 Best Chess Players of All TimePosted 1 message in who created the chess?Posted 2 messages in Am I good enough to become a GM before 16 years old?
Played 30 moves in 6 correspondence games
Completed 1 correspondence game1 win
Gained 1 new followerStarted following 1 player
Joined 1 team
Solved 36 training puzzles174012
Posted 1 message in Position is mate in 44, after a while it's only +96.1Posted 2 messages in Am I good enough to become a GM before 16 years old?
Played 12 moves in 3 correspondence games
Completed 1 correspondence game1 win
Joined 1 team