
Mobile App Alpha

BUG: When you premove and then try to drag another piece ( and wait till the premove gets played and then you can drop the piece ) , the premove gets cancelled.

Android 14 , mi pad 6
BUG: when yours analysing a game using stockfish , and it's a mate in one, and stockfish shows the best move arrow, the arrow doesn't disappear even after you play that mate in one move.
Here's what I'm talking about:
Some unsorted feature requests:

- Configure board hue/brightness just like on the website
- Sync piece set and board style & color between app and website

- Analysis mode:
- Number of lines limited to 3, can we bump this number to 5?
- Eval bar takes up a lot of space, should it be optional? Would give more space to display more lines
- Opening explorer missing
I found another important feature is missing. You cant activate notation with letters instead of piece-pictures.
Feature request: in the Watch mode - I would like to have an option to indicate how long the game should remain before switching to the next one.

Idea behind: sometimes I get curious about alternative moves and wanna inspect my own ideas for this game. But that's next to impossible since analyze mode is only available AFTER the game. And when switching immediately to the next I can not do it.

Or the other option would be adding a button while watching which would switch to analyse mode after the game is finished. And when finishing analyse then back to the next game watching.
+1 To not seeing a way to disable the magnification of pieces when tapping and dragging to move.

I'm also surprised that the. Voice controls haven't been built in to the new app, because at the moment if you want to use them on mobile, you have to use the mobile browser version.

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