Our totally new mobile app is available for testing!
To become a member of the testing program, please click on one of the following links, depending on your device platform:
for iOS: testflight.apple.com/join/WEurB7MT
for android: Join here: groups.google.com/a/lichess.org/g/lichess-mobile
then download the app here: play.google.com/apps/testing/org.lichess.mobileV2
The app is still in the early stages of development and incomplete, so there's no need to request features from the website or old app. If you think you found a bug please give detailed steps of how to reproduce it and mention your OS, version and device in this thread. General feedback is also welcome.
To become a member of the testing program, please click on one of the following links, depending on your device platform:
for iOS: testflight.apple.com/join/WEurB7MT
for android: Join here: groups.google.com/a/lichess.org/g/lichess-mobile
then download the app here: play.google.com/apps/testing/org.lichess.mobileV2
The app is still in the early stages of development and incomplete, so there's no need to request features from the website or old app. If you think you found a bug please give detailed steps of how to reproduce it and mention your OS, version and device in this thread. General feedback is also welcome.