
ACWC 2024 Pairings and Match results

@patrickrg said in #538:
> After a lot of consideration I decided that we will play the match. WhydoIplayhere, tone and agburanar are right, this is not the correct way of winning. But yesterday after seeing that I could claim a win I panicked and I couldn't resist the temptation of doing so. Now I feel that I shouldn't have done that because this tournament is to play antichess not for seeking technical difficulties, as tone said at the first round of the tournament.
> With that being said, @patrickrg vs @llIVIll will take place Monday 15 UTC. Good luck and have fun! :)

you should feel no shame Patrick! You followed the rules. I am very encouraged that you are going to play the match. good luck!

@Passionate_Player you went offline, by ACWC rules I will claim win in 15 minutes if you dont show up (already waited 5) but for you i’ll wait 20 if i must, though beyond that I have to take the win. Hope you show up bro.

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